Friday, November 30, 2012
Day in, Day out

2012 came quite suddenly,

Totally unprepared, 2012 sneaked up on me

Way before I was ready to let go of 2011.

With lots more to do,

2012 must be maximised

To catch up on the things not done previously

& to ensure it was a year marked with time well spent…

Day in, day out



Desperate to meet work dead lines

Deal with new demands and challenges


Don’t you think you arrived a little too early?


posted by charisMA @ 12:30 AM  
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Death of the Gray Matters

There has been quite a number of deaths recently

Of colleague’s family

Of  people I work with

Of animals that crossed path with….

Kinda made me quite melancholy…

It also brought forward a question -

Should I get so up tight with things people do

and stuff people say?

In the end, the person whose gray matters die

Due to other’s folly is your own…

Your gray matters die as you try to fathom

How silly / ignorant / shallow people can be…

and soon you stress yourself out…

What for? They would never know they are the ones

who caused you to be agitated,

Instead, you are known as the bad-tempered one, the angry one…

& your.gray.matters.die….

loosen up…. it’s not worth sending yourself to an early grave over other people’s fault / folly..
posted by charisMA @ 10:45 PM  
That's enough for me
Came across some IM that I saved
This afternoon

It was a dialogue between 2 persons -
Myself and a person I cared about very much.

It was during a time when he hit a very difficult patch
when his wife left him...

What was interesting was the
Pathetic attempts I made in trying to help him 'fix things'...

& how he was projecting
His frustrations on me..

You see..

He was not half as upset by the fact
That his wife left him as the fact that
His girl friend was also cooling off.

So there I was
Standing in the wings

Wishing I could do something
To make the pain go away

Willing him to love me
Just a little more

Taking every emotional strike
At the chin....

One has moved on....
There is still an ache

But it's like the pain
One experiences from an old injury.

There is no anger nor self-pity
Just a lesson learnt

I have come away knowing that I did love
& that I can love again...

That's enough for me.

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posted by charisMA @ 12:50 AM  
Silence is not always golden
It was really strange this morning
On the one hand, I was glad 
It was no longer necessary for me to
Plan my schedule around someone
Yet, it was uncomfortably empty.

I had dreaded my mother
Asking me about where I put my stuff
Or updating me how she'd tidied up the place
Yet I really would rather hear her droning
Than nothing at all....

She's only left for HK yesterday
But the silence is deafening...

Silence is really not always golden.

So although it's totally weird for 
A grown woman to say this....

"I miss my marmie..."

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posted by charisMA @ 12:32 AM  
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Crossed Path

Our paths crossed very briefly last Sunday

When I  visited the stable.

There he was,

Standing as dignified as he could

Don’t think anyone would think he was sick,

So sick that he was awaiting his own passing

He is ready, I was told, “He wanted to go..”

A find specimen of a horse

He was so gentle and so graceful..

Took his death with the most gentlemanly poise.

RIP dear friend.

It was a privilege to have met you,

That our paths crossed, albeit for just a few minutes.

You were the epitome of courage.
posted by charisMA @ 10:48 PM  
Painful Good Bye
It all started with us visiting a show jumping competition on Sunday.
My daughter told me that one of the horses, Onslow? had kinda recovered 
From his leg problem, but had developed asthma

Efforts were made and
Medical interventions seemed to have 
Little effect on him.
They are putting him down.

I had the privilege of saying goodbye to him,
With some apples and carrots
He was so gentle and graceful..
Although I know nuts about horses
I bet he was a great horse to learn riding on....

It really saddened me 
That he was not able to determine his own timing
That his death is at the 
Convenience of 
Schedules of other people..

Our paths crossed but for a few minutes 
But I felt as if I had walked his
Life with him
So go with the dignity you deserve
May you rest with the same poise you had
In your glory day.


posted by charisMA @ 12:04 AM  
Monday, November 26, 2012
TODAYonline | Hot News | RWS faces contempt charges in Philippine court over dolphins
I am so very very saddened by this needless waste of life.
Please people... wake up - don't destroy precious creatures.
Perhaps charging RWS with manslaughter would be more appropriate.

TODAYonline | Hot News | RWS faces contempt charges in Philippine court over dolphins
posted by charisMA @ 11:50 PM  
Little said
Is my heartfelt gratitude to you
You have given so much
Time and time again
Taking nothing back.

In your own way,
You have shown that you
Only have my best interest at heart
Thinking of my future.
Upset for my past

We may not see eye to eye
Our temperaments so different
Habits and preference
Similar but not identical

Yet the strand that ties
Can never be broken
Even as it is deemed tiring
& frustrating
One thing I have not said enough

I love you mom... I really love you so much.


posted by charisMA @ 3:37 AM  

Thank God that you didn't throw yourself down the stairs baby...

Don't ever think you are a waste of space here on earth

You occupy a big part of my life and a bigger part of my heart...

You and your sister

But why do I have the feeling that

No matter what assurance I gave

How many times I say "I love you"

It's never enough?

That soon as some

Misunderstanding happened

All the effort

Went with the wind?


posted by charisMA @ 1:51 AM  
Mother is in town.
This time her stay coincided with her birthday
& Thanksgiving.
It is also the busiest period of the year...
But, we still managed to take time to be with her.

Reunion 1
Mother met up with an old friend,
Way back from HER kindergarten days
(Told you it was an old friend?)
They caught up with each other over dinner
& tried to fill each other in of more than 60 years?!

Reunion 2
She also went to visit my uncle
who is going through some health situations
At their age, it is a blessing
To be able to meet up
& spend time together, albeit for a few hours

Reunion 3
To celebrate mother's birthday
A delectable dinner was arranged
This time by an unlikely friend
With whom we have not
Connected for some time.

We do need reunions to
Celebrate life
& Praise God for His faithfulness!

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posted by charisMA @ 1:26 AM  
Saturday, November 17, 2012
There was a recent conversation with my girls when i realised that, really,
I have been 'absent'.
It's painful for such a reality check, and time for some
Soul searching.

Why and how did I manage to slip into this?

Can only think that I switch off
When I get home,
Having done much concentrated, active listening
At work

This talk drew me closer to my girls again,
At least I'd like to think that
& I thank God that despite all the failures
As a mom
The girls still would not give up on me
Nor on working on our relationship
As Mom and children
As friends

That we have a greater
Understanding of each other
& each other's needs
An acceptance that
Is only built with time.

I love you girls,
So much....

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posted by charisMA @ 1:17 AM  
Friday, November 16, 2012
Recycling Nature

I remember where I used to live in Surrey, there was a huge covered barrow.

The barrow was placed at the back of the house, under a window with a drainage pipe leading to it.

If you followed the ‘path’ of this drainage pipe, you would find that it led to the rooftop – the   ‘gutter’ where rain water was collected and drained away from the top of the house.

This water was used to water the plants and vegetation in the garden.

It was also used rinse the driveway, but mostly it was for watering the garden.

That was my introduction to recycling and a deeper understanding of cause and effect we have on this earth.

posted by charisMA @ 10:51 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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