Thursday, June 12, 2008
Oh Oh Oh...

So have to put this up...
We were in the sea
Suddenly saw shells moving
Nothing unusual you say
Shells and dead wood
Drift with the tide?

Well... yes
but these shells move
despite of the tide!

They are hermit crabs and
they are just so cute!

Picked up a few of them
They would come out of their shells
Trying to use their tiny little
pincers to defend the home....

They are just so cute!!!

Oh wait, I said that earlier?
Oops.... here
see for yourselves!


posted by charisMA @ 8:47 PM  
Just came back from Bintan...
Totally loved the 2 days of rest.
It's 2 days as I went back to the office
in the morning on Tuesday
and we returned Thursday pm....

But! It was great!
The room faced the sea,
We got suitably browned
but dreadfully

Our schedule went as follows:
Day 1
Arrived late pm
Checked into room
Changed into swimwear
Went onto beach
Had some evening sun
Had dinner
Walked around
Returned to room
Vegged out

Day 2
Woke up
Repeated Day 1's activities
Less sun, but
added another activity
called elephant riding!

Day 3
Repeated Day 1's activities
at hastened speed
& started early
at 8 am =)
So by noon,
we were well browned....

Don't you just love holidays?


posted by charisMA @ 8:00 PM  
Sunday, June 08, 2008

Can't wait to go to Bintan...
Been planning for this
for quite a while...

Concerned about the
overall budget
as we are saving for
another holiday year end...

Just glad that we are
getting outta the country
as a family....

It's been 'weird' recently
I really felt the effects
of a very disjointed family
No. 1 busy with her stuff
No. 2 with hers...


Running around like
a headless chicken
hoping that I have
more hours in the day
to do things
and then
to rest.

I feel sorry that
our time together
is usually
events oriented

Or a filler between work
and course....

So decided
No matter how tight our budget
we WILL have a short break
even though it eats int0
our savings
my leave....

So come on sunshine
Shine on the lil resort
coming week
Let us roast during the day
and I will slog during the night
to study for my re-.....

man that is such a
mood spoiler
having to study for a re-sit....
but never mind...
we will enjoy ourselves.

Yeah... Bintan.... Bintan..... Bintan....


posted by charisMA @ 12:00 AM  
Saturday, June 07, 2008
What do you say when
there's nothing to say at all?

I was just wondering
How does my daughter
keep up her prolific blogging?

There are times when
I want to share a lot
But comes the moment
when I finally use the computer
I found I have nothing to say...

Random huh?

Is it because whatever energy
and rants built up
Kinda fizzled out by the time
I actually get down to writing?
I don't know...

Blogging has been an outlet for me
It has also been a place where
I can share some cute stuff
cool stuff
touching stuff
for others to see..

It's a place where
I can scream and shout
and come away
more composed
more rational
so to get on with life again...

So yeah...
even though occasionally
I wonder what to write
the fact that I know
there is a place for me
to write, to think out loud
to 'rant and rave'
is itself therapeutic....

It keeps me 'sane'


posted by charisMA @ 11:45 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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