Sunday, August 26, 2007
I like to watch reality TV.
Not the Fear Factor stuff
but documentary / docu-drama

Recently I watched a few shows
about criminals on death row.
These serial killers,
or compulsive multiple killers
had been caught, convicted
and sentenced to die.

A few of them turned to 'religion'

They realised that they needed God!

Wow! That's an under-statement of the year!

It seemed that the conversion
is real and legitimate

One sought to be baptised
and wrote to a local pastor
wandering if
his sins were too much
for him to be considered baptism.

The pastor baptised him
a short time before he was executed

Another, finally
wrote a letter of apology to God
for all the sins she'd committed
and asked if she was fit
for Heaven...

This brings back the story
in the gospel
when one of the robbers
hung on the cross
Next to our Lord Jesus
Asked to be remembered
by Jesus
Jesus then replied
"Today you will be
with me in paradise"

Then it dawned on me
The power of

When we get to heaven
We may be in
for a rude awakening....
As we come face to face
with murderers, robbers,
serial rapists, even war criminals
who sought the Lord's
and became born again Christian.

They will be standing side by side
with all who had
put their faith in Jesus
singing praises and

I don't mean to offend
anyone who may have
lost their loved ones
through some fiendish
horrific crimes

My heart cries with them
wanting justice to be exacted
when the culprit,
convicted and
paid the price of their deeds

but if God could forgive them
and allow them a place in Heaven

Who are we to deny them
entrance to eternal life?

For that matter
anyone with whom
we might have had grievances
would be in Heaven
if they made peace
with God

My question is
Have I made my peace with Him?

His love is so amazing
His Mercy really
knows no end.



posted by charisMA @ 2:04 AM  
Pak-to, cantonese for dating.

"Pak-to" is made up of 2 Chinese characters:
'Pak' as in clap, (clapping hands) or to flatter / to fawn on; or ,as in docking a ship, parking a car, parking something close to another...

different Chinese character, but I reckon
the word might have evolved to the character used for clapping.

'To' on the other hand, pronounced as "tall" with a silent "ll",
Means to drag, or hold hands
Don't you find that people who hold hands to walk

tend to be slower in their pace?
Like dragging the time their hands are held together?

In Mandarin, it would have to be pronounced as "pai-tuo".

Pak-to-logy, then, is the study (observation) of dating.

The phrase was first coined by a lay preacher,

now pastor, where I was worshipping in London,
way back when...
He used to expound

on the characteristics of couples
who were dating, thus the 'study' of dating.

Now, where is all that leading to?

Oh yeah... haha, as mentioned in my earlier post,

I went a Pak-To.... with my daughter.
We do this quite regularly, by the way,

as often as time allows.
Sometimes, we block out our free time.
Normally, we just let it happen.
Like she'll join me in my shopping,
while waiting for the younger one

to come join us for dinner / lunch / movies, whatever.

With the younger one, we date in other ways...
We'd window shop, or sit and read together,

or eat out, or catch a movie, just the 2 of us.

With the older one, we would end up sharing,

talking about her aspirations and dreams, opinions,
and venting on whatever problems she was having.

The younger one doesn't share as much as

she probably shares with her sister,
but she does rant about school stuff,
or opine about a book, its story line, character and so on,
and you know what?

That's ok with me.

I have always been told that

my girls and I are very close,
and I did not think it was anything out of the ordinary.

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying other families are not close.
I am saying that I realised

our relationship has as much friendship in it
as it has of family ties.

The older one invited me to do a test recently,
just to see how much I really do know her.
I scored the second highest!
Her ex-boyfriend, who is still quite close to her,

scored the highest, which is understandable,
as I am sure he would know more about her
when they were


Actually I was pretty chuffed that I do know her,

her desires, her dreams her aspirations.
I know her friends too, and not in a superficial way.

My younger one? Well, I am working on it,
since she is the quieter kind.
Still, there is time for me to know her.

Perhaps the generational gap
would be narrowed
if we made an effort to get close to our children,
take an interest in what they do,
the friends they hang out with,
the 'philosophy' they take....

But this has to start early,
as they grow up so fast...
It seemed only yesterday
when I had to carry her
as she got tired going out with me....

First draft August 20, 2007, 10.35 am
posted by charisMA @ 1:45 AM  
Monday, August 20, 2007
I was watching Posiedon on Saturday.

The story came to a part
where the father
swam down to the machine room,
to switch the rotary motor
so to rotate in the opposite direction,
eventually, to get out of the sinking ship.
Something to that effect anyway...
(shows I know so much about ships huh?)

The point is, Daddy Kurt Russell
had a heart attack
while trying to press the button,
and just before he died,
Managed to accomplish his mission.

I'd watched the film before,
but for some reason,
I found myself weeping.

He knew he might not survive, but he did it anyway.

My thoughts catapulted
to those brave passengers on the
fateful flight on September 11, 2001.
When they realised that
they'd probably not be getting out of the
hijacked plane alive.
They stormed the plane,
forcing it to crash
just short of its intended target,
Saving probably hundreds of people,
if not thousands.

They knew they might not survive, but they did it anyway.

Their heroic acts
Illuminated one truth
that separates us,
the human race,
from the animals,
evil fiends aside.

That when the rubber hits the road,
We do rise to the occasion
and yes,
Some would sacrifice
for the greater good
of those around them.

These heros went ahead
to do what is 'right'.

They knew their price is their lives, but they did it anyway.

Then I got thinking
about the Korean volunteers
who were kidnapped.
Did they know
they were going to die
when they
volunteered in war-torn Afganistan?
Would they have gone anyway?
Knowing how volatile the country is?

I guess I had to find out
when I meet them in heaven.
But one thing I know, is that,
This trait
Of self sacrifice
Is from God
If you accept that
We ARE made in the image of God.

I do, and I also know that
Long long time ago
A man sacrificed His life
On the cross,
so that
I could be
Reconciled with God

He knew
He had to die
for the sins of ALL mankind

But He did it anyway.


posted by charisMA @ 11:14 PM  
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I went on a date
I went on a date the other day.

Yup, the 2 of us,
hand in hand,
walking around
before settling in this
'quaint' tea-house cum shop
"Eclectic Attic" is the name.

It sells antique furnitures,
trinkets and rare objects,
as well as tea-cakes and scones
and fresh-brewed tea.

It sold more than a typical
English cream tea for me..
It sold memories
of a past life
Of drives
in the countryside
Deliberately using
the roads less travelled
To look out for
Quaint tea houses
in Quaint little villages

Of the better days
When life was not
When the hurts
could be healed
& forgiven
in a heart beat.

I shared this,
Letting out
little secrets
so long forgotten;
in settings as such
it's easy to recollect
bitter taste.

My date too,
the memories,
the joy
the hurts that
the life thus far..

We got to know each other

It's strange really,
we are
old friends

It's good
that we 'renewed'
our acquaintances
catching up
we left off.

It's good,
It's vital

there is no other way
In this action-packed
to get to know
the ones
you love
once again

You have to
make time
to listen
to date


your date

is your daughter... =)

Haha.... gotcha!

posted by charisMA @ 10:05 PM  
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Friends... Not the sitcom
It was really strange last Sunday, as I rushed down to Suntec with my baby, bought a 'flower', all to support her friends for the Teenage Icon finals.

Looking back I wondered why I did, as baby was not in the finals. She was such a sport though, routing for all the friends she'd made during this icon search.

It was important for her to be there, to support her friends, and that, is a good enough reason for me, to support her to support her friends.

I have always made a point to know the girls' friends. Not just know of them, but actually know them. Like, being able to even hold a conversation with them without them thinking I am grilling them, or that they are making small talks with a mom, out of courtesy.

I get along ok with the friends, and yeah, some of them deemed me as their mad mama, and I had garnered a few god-children.... Hey! It's an honour!!

There was once I had to see the form teacher to collect report book. My daughter could not take me to the room, so one of her friend did. We started chatting and stuff as she waited with me, until it was my turn to see the teacher. The teacher thought I was the mother of the girl, and was on the verge of giving me her report book, instead of my daughter's.

When the misunderstanding was clarified, she mused about the fact that I was 'close' to the friends. I didn't see it strange, but I guess it is odd.

However, if you really want to know your child, you need to know the people he or she hangs out with. Really get to know them, not as another kid, but as a young person, growing up to be a adult, just like we are now.

I accept my girls' friends for who they are, hear their concerns, wipe their tears, let them vent their frustrations, listen to their dreams and aspirations.

And yeah, I feed them quite regularly too.

But that's just mommy stuff... =)

posted by charisMA @ 10:59 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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