Tuesday, January 29, 2013
RIP Wallaby
My daughter was very stressed out last week
when she was told her favourite horse Wallaby was not well and was
tripping over himself more often.

Turned out he had some form of lesion, possibly that is affecting his balance.

She went to spend some time with him one evening,
came back and was informed of his passing a few hours later.

Wallaby shared a special bonding with her
In that she learnt about horses through him and
He was learning to trust humans through her.

Abused for a long time in his life,
He was finally well cared for by
Someone who really really cared for him
for Wallaby, as a real living being.

I believe Wallaby was happy
For the latter part of his life
and that before he went
he was able to spend
Some quality time with
His favourite girl.

RIP Wallaby.
You have taught us much
and have been loved much in return.

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posted by charisMA @ 11:52 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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