Friday, January 25, 2008
My colleague cried today.
No, that was not exactly correct.
She.... bawled.
If you can imagine a 3 yr old,
Sitting on the floor
screaming her head off
because she was denied
her favourite toy...
You get the picture.

Except that she's
Not 3 yrs old
and she's not
sitting on the floor...
She was standing up
hugging the mic..
Yup! hugging the mic
not hogging...

I am NOT dissing her
I am only trying to
Explain the emotions, I guess

For this was how she felt,
Up to a certain point..

You see...

She's in line for promotion
To head another centre....

She has to leave us
Deep down she wants to yield
to wherever God is leading her
But she was finding it difficult
To let go

I feel for her
It's tough to come out
of one's comfort zone
It's hard to leave the knows
and enter into the

Friendships forged...
Bridges crossed...

& then.... another
new beginning

But we know that
there is no new beginnings
without the Lord already
preparing the process
& the ending...

So dear friend
We'll still meet
& our friendship will not
diminish with time

& I want to thank you
for that glimpse of
the bare soul
It takes a confident person
To dare to expose
what he / she preceives as weakness
I see it as strength....

There's still tomorrow
& eternity... =)

Be blessed my friend

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posted by charisMA @ 1:00 AM  

This is so funny. Thanks Vic.... and I learnt to post an image on my blog too! yippeeeeee


posted by charisMA @ 12:44 AM  
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I am Legend
Just went to watch a show.
Somethings i have not done for a while....
OK, not as long a while as some other people but...
it was long nonetheless, for us anyway.

I like watching movies. I learn the trade,
Getting involved in the story,
Transported to another country, another millennia
Another dimension...

Naturally there are favourites, you know,
actors, directors, producers
Story lines, settings even.

I've learnt to appreciate
the cinematography
the angle of a shoot and so on
much more than before.

Went to watch "I am Legend"
Totally loved it!!!

Not just because it was
Will Smith starring in it
It was a plausible plot
Interesting scenary....
Just can't imagine New York
Overgrown with grass &
... Empty...

I loved the labouring of point
that Will Smith set up
Dressed them
Put them in strategic places
Talked to them
Like they were real

In an environment
Where the only other living thing
Was his dog (to which he also addressed)
This is a normal attempt to
Keep sane by trying to normalise
Things to the best of one's ability

C'mon, we all do that!
We talk to ourselves
We argue with ourselves,
"Thinking out loud"....
and I like that in the show
Showing his discipline
and attempt in keeping himself
sane and rational.

The ending was sad
Guess it's predicted
But sad....

Why would some people
find the show boring?
Is it because Will Smith was
primarily the only person you see
Best part of the 2 hours?

I was so interested in finding out
What he was running from
It didn't really bother me...

What I find interesting was that
Despite being the only person alive
He wants to keep it that way
& didn't give up living
Nor did he give up the reason
Why he was living for.

Nor should we


posted by charisMA @ 11:11 AM  
Friday, January 11, 2008
It's a funny feeling
To know that your ex
Is starting a family all over again

It's one thing to be happy for them
Even went to get baby clothes
It's exciting
Afterall, children don't carry
The sins of their fathers...

Yet I have this
Bittersweet feeling
A tinge of......
Je ne sais quoi!

I am happy for them
Really I am
and glad that
Despite the swollen feet
& breech position

Mommy and baby are
doing well

Hope their legacy
For the child
Is Christ

May God be
Mightily glorified


posted by charisMA @ 2:55 AM  
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Had a great time over Christmas.
Met a bunch of crazy new friends,
did some shoots
even managed to walk
along Orchard Road
eating ice cream

Most of this bunch
are so much younger
than I am...

yet with some common threads
we, who are as diversed
as can be
from age,
to "point of origin"
managed to have
so much fun...

Yeah! 4 stones, vee...
Marc the man
who has to light up the stars..
auntie Ron (Missed you at the Seoul Gardens)
or do they call you uncle Ron??
Crazy Nick who lit up the photo
"My old man" and
3 more girls...

and so many more
i cannot
rename all
I truly enjoyed your company
& willingness to entertain
an old hag

All the best in
all your endeavours


posted by charisMA @ 2:44 PM  
Goodbye 2007, Helloooo 2008
Hello & Goodbye

Wow! 2007 seemed to have breezed by,
although I can remember
it wasn't so 'breezy'
as it was going by...

much happenings,
but now I wonder,
if these happenings were really
Just day to day stuff
that I made a mountain out of....
that I am writing gibberish...

As it was so aptly put by B Franklin....

The learned fool writes his nonsense
in better language than the unlearned,
but still 'tis nonsense.

Haha! No honestly..

In some ways,
I feel I am seeing
the light at the end

of this tunnel
& that would be great

I'ts like the Lord is
Showing His Pleasure
with me...

I am scared though
Scared of being too
and worst,
too Confident

Then I would wake up
too soon,
& watch all this
slipping away from me

That we would be
Right where we were
With mounting expenses
& No Apparent Way Out.

I can only keep
& seeking
The Lord's will
& not veer away from it.

He has yet to fail me..

Proverbs 12:15The way of a fool [is] right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel [is] wise.

First draft 01 Jan 08, 12.39 pm


posted by charisMA @ 2:37 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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