Had a great time over Christmas. Met a bunch of crazy new friends, did some shoots even managed to walk along Orchard Road eating ice cream
Most of this bunch are so much younger than I am...
yet with some common threads we, who are as diversed as can be from age, religion to "point of origin" managed to have so much fun...
Yeah! 4 stones, vee... Marc the man who has to light up the stars.. auntie Ron (Missed you at the Seoul Gardens) or do they call you uncle Ron?? Crazy Nick who lit up the photo "My old man" and 3 more girls...
and so many more i cannot rename all I truly enjoyed your company & willingness to entertain an old hag
Name: charisMA Home: Singapore About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile. See my complete profile Earworm: