The story came to a part where the father swam down to the machine room, to switch the rotary motor so to rotate in the opposite direction, eventually, to get out of the sinking ship. Something to that effect anyway... (shows I know so much about ships huh?)
The point is, Daddy Kurt Russell had a heart attack while trying to press the button, and just before he died, Managed to accomplish his mission.
I'd watched the film before, but for some reason, I found myself weeping.
He knew he might not survive, but he did it anyway.
My thoughts catapulted to those brave passengers on the fateful flight on September 11, 2001. When they realised that they'd probably not be getting out of the hijacked plane alive. They stormed the plane, forcing it to crash just short of its intended target, Saving probably hundreds of people, if not thousands.
They knew they might not survive, but they did it anyway.
Their heroic acts Illuminated one truth that separates us, the human race, from the animals, evil fiends aside.
That when the rubber hits the road, We do rise to the occasion and yes, Some would sacrifice for the greater good of those around them.
These heros went ahead to do what is 'right'.
They knew their price is their lives, but they did it anyway.
Then I got thinking about the Korean volunteers who were kidnapped. Did they know they were going to die when they volunteered in war-torn Afganistan? Would they have gone anyway? Knowing how volatile the country is?
I guess I had to find out when I meet them in heaven. But one thing I know, is that, This trait Of self sacrifice Is from God If you accept that We ARE made in the image of God.
I do, and I also know that Long long time ago A man sacrificed His life On the cross, so that I could be Reconciled with God
Name: charisMA Home: Singapore About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile. See my complete profile Earworm: