Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Friends... Not the sitcom
It was really strange last Sunday, as I rushed down to Suntec with my baby, bought a 'flower', all to support her friends for the Teenage Icon finals.

Looking back I wondered why I did, as baby was not in the finals. She was such a sport though, routing for all the friends she'd made during this icon search.

It was important for her to be there, to support her friends, and that, is a good enough reason for me, to support her to support her friends.

I have always made a point to know the girls' friends. Not just know of them, but actually know them. Like, being able to even hold a conversation with them without them thinking I am grilling them, or that they are making small talks with a mom, out of courtesy.

I get along ok with the friends, and yeah, some of them deemed me as their mad mama, and I had garnered a few god-children.... Hey! It's an honour!!

There was once I had to see the form teacher to collect report book. My daughter could not take me to the room, so one of her friend did. We started chatting and stuff as she waited with me, until it was my turn to see the teacher. The teacher thought I was the mother of the girl, and was on the verge of giving me her report book, instead of my daughter's.

When the misunderstanding was clarified, she mused about the fact that I was 'close' to the friends. I didn't see it strange, but I guess it is odd.

However, if you really want to know your child, you need to know the people he or she hangs out with. Really get to know them, not as another kid, but as a young person, growing up to be a adult, just like we are now.

I accept my girls' friends for who they are, hear their concerns, wipe their tears, let them vent their frustrations, listen to their dreams and aspirations.

And yeah, I feed them quite regularly too.

But that's just mommy stuff... =)

posted by charisMA @ 10:59 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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