Saturday, June 07, 2008
What do you say when
there's nothing to say at all?

I was just wondering
How does my daughter
keep up her prolific blogging?

There are times when
I want to share a lot
But comes the moment
when I finally use the computer
I found I have nothing to say...

Random huh?

Is it because whatever energy
and rants built up
Kinda fizzled out by the time
I actually get down to writing?
I don't know...

Blogging has been an outlet for me
It has also been a place where
I can share some cute stuff
cool stuff
touching stuff
for others to see..

It's a place where
I can scream and shout
and come away
more composed
more rational
so to get on with life again...

So yeah...
even though occasionally
I wonder what to write
the fact that I know
there is a place for me
to write, to think out loud
to 'rant and rave'
is itself therapeutic....

It keeps me 'sane'


posted by charisMA @ 11:45 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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