Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Thanks for the Good Time, S*Tail
Thanks for the good time, S*Tail,
You have been one cute, clumsy cat.

Can still remember you as one of the 5? or 6
blind, tiny little ball of fluff
that Stormie brought back and
placed at our feet on New Year's eve

We couldn't say no could we?
you guys were just down right adorable.

We were honoured to see you and your siblings grew
our place is not good for so many of you
So one by one....
we gave your siblings away
except you

You just have that dumb look
Like when we caught you in the middle of grooming
you always forget to put the tongue back in... =)

& the way you jump and slide across everything on the table
i put it down to your weight
the girls put it down to your intelligence

we got angry everytime you pee-ed onto our floor cloths
or into boxes
because we locked you in...

and yes you were a pain when u messed up our stuff
or started chewing on our bread

but i'd rather you doing all that again
if only.....
i'm sorry you have such a short life
strange considering
you couldn't make it pass 14 months.

i still don't know what went wrong
only last saturday you were jumping onto the table
looking at the birds...
bet you wished you were outside
chasing them?

then sunday night you got lethargic
monday you meowed most horribly
and tuesday you went all limp and quiet...

it was strange that i could not sleep
so i thought i'd keep you company
knowing you were unwell
only to see your lifeless body
in the wee hours of wednesday morn

go in peace S*Tail
you can now chase all the birds you want, my dear
no more suffering
nor chiding from mommie here

i just wanna say you've been one great pet
gentle, clumsy, noisy, demanding
but a great companion
we'll all miss you
posted by charisMA @ 9:00 PM  
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Bring It On
Been getting bolder in the area of prayers.
But every time I wanna be bold,
I fear.
I fear that people would say I'm "holier than thou"
I fear being be-littled
I fear the visions and words I get are
figments of my imagination
and believe me
there're plenty in that cupboard

I saw angels
praying with the people in that Upper Room at Cornerstone
The 'noise' was so loud it was deafening
Yet there were only 15? people in that room

I smelt the smell of Hibiscrub
The sweet fragrance laced with antiseptic
depicting cleansing and sweetness
all rolled into one

but there was no room fragrance being used
what i smelt was the sweet fragrance of the
Presence of the Holy Spirit

Then finally
I saw the sword cutting through the air
an enemy on horseback
with flames behind him
but the sword cuts through all that

None of these make sense
till the pastor mentioned about a dream
of another pastor
telling him the enemy is marching in procession
Against the church

i had to tell him of what i saw
the sword is the word of God
and Word was with God
and the Word was God....
Made flesh

Jesus was fighting this battle!

This doesn't apply to the church alone
We are in it by default

The more I get to know
& use the authority given me
The more 'attacks' I get

Feelings of inadequacy
Feelings of being a failure, yet again
I have to bring these feelings to God
& Claim His authority and power

It's definitely gonna be
a battle
We as Christians better be prepared
to put on the full armour of God
Resist the Devil
With the attitude.....
Bring it on
posted by charisMA @ 3:35 PM  
Friday, February 10, 2006
Time of Refreshing
Started Tung Ling since Jan 9, 2006. I have been blessed.

Blessed with given the opportunity to be here for 3 months,
Blessed with the children's assurance that...

life will be fine for the 3 months,
that they will take care of themselves
Blessed with living in, and not having to be

weighed down with everyday chores
Blessed with new friends

& Bonds formed

But what I am really really blessed with

Is the time of refreshing I have had in Tung Ling so far.
5 weeks, gone like a flash,
and we are lamenting
there are only
7 weeks left.

It's been a long time since
I have time to study His word,
to ponder, reflect, worship
and be in His presence,
totally soaking Him up
Drinking from His living water

Sweet communion
Delightful fellowship
Glorious presence

To be reminded daily that He loves us
To learn daily about Him, and His Spirit
To experience being in Him
To seek Him

Now I have a faint understanding of how
the disciples felt on the Mount of Transfiguration
How they'd rather stay up there
and worship Jesus and the 2 prophets...

Sure I get back to the real world every Friday
But I look forward to those 4 precious days
When I can choose to be a Mary
& Not Martha...

I had want to know the Lord's will for me after Angel Tree
What I get so far is infinitely better....
I get to know the Lord,
who promised to guide me in my ways
So long as I remain in Him
I get to learn to abandon myself at His feet
And attune to His voice
I get to practise being sensitive
To the Holy Spirit
To ensure no little foxes come in to spoil the vineyard

Come Holy Spirit, Come
Hold me steady, and make me into the person that I could be
To carry the anointing of the Office.
Use me as You see fit Lord
Your servant is here.
posted by charisMA @ 9:37 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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