Tuesday, April 29, 2008

That's all I could say
about myself...
I tripped over a chain
& landed badly
on my right foot.

What was unusual was that
for a few minutes afterwards
the pain was so bad that
I couldn't not put
any weight on it.

I am so gonna see the doctor...
May be get an MC?
May be...

But I still feel stupid though....


posted by charisMA @ 9:20 PM  
Monday, April 28, 2008
I came across this video about a young 5 year old Korean girl,
who could play Fur Elise
"Nothing unusual" I hear you say....
Did I mention that
she learnt the song by ear?

Did I also mention that
this little Korean girl
was blind?
Born Blind?
That she was adopted by
a childless couple
who is not musically inclined?

Don't you just love these kind of stories?
Once I can upload the video
You can see for yourselves...
till then,
You only have my word for it...

Sorry! =)


posted by charisMA @ 12:54 AM  
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Once upon a time
We had a few cats
10, to be exact...

We had Zipper, and Natasha
Our resident King and Queen
Who graced us with their presence
Since UK days....

Then we had Tuski, the cat
we decided to adopt from
a cat home
& Stormie
All of few months old.

Finally we picked up Amy
and her new family....

we had quite a household....

Then one by one...
They left
Given away
Ran away

Those we gave away
We managed to see
very occasionally
We draw comfort
That they found
Good homes...

We visited one of
the adoptive family
once or twice
sometime ago

It's really great
to see the cats
although they
may not be able
to remember us...

I do miss them....

So it is particularly
and sad
when i heard that
Jet died after
being mauled by
an abandoned dog

Jet is about 4, may be
5 years old
named due to her
solidly black coat
She was very inch
a lady
She had an elegant aloofness
that was different
from her siblings
She moved to her
foster mom's
one year when
we spent a few weeks away
in US
After we returned,
She stayed on with
her 'foster mom'...
Then an accident happened
and she was operated on
After that
We couldn't bring ourselves
to claim her back
when so much
was spent on her
She seemed happy
and her foster family
doted on her...
I feel sad
but 'removed'
Since Jet has not been
with us for so many years
Its a surreal feeling
& may even sound callous
To say I don't feel as pained..
I wish there is
Something I could say
To comfort the family
Besides a pathetic "sorry"
Yet all I can say now
Though not enough of
is Thank you
For giving Jet
a lovely home
a wonderful life
Loved & Cared for
I know she had
a great life
Thank you
for providing such
a beautiful home to her
I hope you had
as much joy
with her in your lives
as she had love
from you guys.
Thank you


posted by charisMA @ 11:57 PM  
Thursday, April 10, 2008


posted by charisMA @ 10:35 PM  
This is like the epitome of the language...
When you cannot get your point across
When the dimwit could not see logic

When your boss makes unreasonable demands
When a well dressed girl spouts obsenities in
Posh places
The one word that expresses
a tidal of emotions.......

Or as my ever economical daughter
would now abbreviate it to...
What evvvvvvvvvvvvs

Thanks baby for sticking the video on for me...
She didn't think it was cute...

Oh well...
haha enjoy!

Labels: ,

posted by charisMA @ 12:30 PM  
Monday, April 07, 2008
I couldn't take it anymore!
I swept the house
and mopped the floor!

That was before my baby
decided to recycle
the flood water
from her air con and
mop the floor
A few days later

must be contagious.....

Anyway, it's really
Sense of achievement
Sense of accomplishment

When you see the mountain
of laundry slowly moved
onto the hanging poles

And the other mountain
of blouses and
jeans and stuff
or Folded...
and more importantly....



posted by charisMA @ 10:19 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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