Been searching high and low for the hard drive I took to UK w me...
Cursing myself for switching its location at the last minute.
Willing myself to remember where it was,
Losing sleep as I was beside myself w worry...
I cleared out my luggage,
Put all the clothes away
Went through my daughter's bags...
Then I saw my GPS and
BAM!!! It all came back to me -
I had packed it in a box w my GPS,
So I wouldn't lose it!! @.@
A simple text from my cousin,
A silent vibration of the phone,
Began the process
Of goodbyes,
Of reminiscence,
Of regrets.
Today, I was faced with the choice
Of sending my living uncle off
Or sending the dead one onto his last journey.
I chose the former....
There r too many would haves
Could haves and should haves,
I don't want to have
Another one of these
And regret the opportunity lost
Of spending time with one
I shall holdfast to this moment
This fragile blink of an eye moment
That we shared.
To my uncle who passed away
I don't love you any less.
You know that.
Thank you for hanging on
For us to return
To say goodbye....
That meant the world to me.
Name: charisMA Home: Singapore About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile. See my complete profile Earworm: