Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I accompanied a friend to
The hospital today
He had to end the
Sufferings of his loyal pet...
It was the first and the last time
I met the cat

He greeted us at the door,
Meowing his lil lungs out
& I can understand
Why my friend could not
Bring himself to
Make the decision
To ease his sufferings.

The poor mite had
Bleeding gums
He could not really walk,
But waddled he did
So trying to show
Affection to his owner.

He rubbed himself against us
Faltering as he was too weak
To put his weight on his legs
His paw pads looked cynosed
He had the smell of death

With the many pets we had
& gone through a few pet deaths
I thought I could be of some

Yeah right!
When we were in the room
Stroking the cat

When he quietly stayed
Without too much of a struggle
My heart wrenched
As he seemed to know
His fate was due...

Our agony was extended
when the klutz of a vet? vet nurse
Couldn't get the needle
Into the poor cat's vein

In the end, the guy
Had to shave off some hair
Of the front paw
& administer the injection there...

The effect was sadly quick
As you see the life
Drained off him within
A few breaths

He didn't even try
Another "meow"
I held his head in my hand...
Looking at him
Looking at us...

His stare was blank....

Rest in Peace Siammy
You are now
Pain free.............


posted by charisMA @ 11:45 PM  
Saturday, September 13, 2008
I have had so much on my mind..
Wanna share much
But somehow,
I can't put down my thoughts
my feelings..

Losing my touch.



posted by charisMA @ 3:30 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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