2 new entries, one draft published (regardless) & now, I feel the need to write some more.
I must say, this one is Motivated by the people Who left lovely Encouraging messages for me.
I'm glad you liked what you saw. I am what I am. The writings are really reflections, Diaries of sort & Yes, quote unquote FD..... My rantings and ravings.
I do try to put in positive Uplifting thoughts For it is not like me to diss People or events
I try to be positive Because I am & I don't want This blog to be all dissing & Complaining
It gets very tiring For me To rant and rave Comments, Yes Thoughts Yes...
I am just a single mom, Struggling to make ends meet Telling it as it is,
Bit like "Zone Reality" No make up No rehearsals OK May be some reading over Before finally posting the blog More to keep it in perspective Seeing the other point of view
Some people don't like it Coz I cut too close to the bone. If what I said offend My apologies
But please remember They are actual incidences & events that took place,
Therefore, They are real emotions,
There is always The other side of the coin Granted
I wrote from my point of view My perspective So, despite trying my very best To be as balanced & fair
There are times When my comments & thoughts Are pretty personal Because....
Name: charisMA Home: Singapore About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile. See my complete profile Earworm: