Saturday, October 06, 2007
New Job New Lifestyle?
It has been a mad rush for me ever since I started work at the new place. For those of you who have read my blog, you probably realise by now that I tend to move from job to job quite a bit. This time, it's a deliberate, strategic move.

It's my belief that I am where I want and where I am supposed to be.

My last job requires me to wake up at most unearthly hours. I think most in my previous profession (though they may not mind it), would admit getting to work at about 6.40 am to avoid traffic jams, can be rather tiring. But the day ends 'early'. So with all the other stuff, one can make their way home before 6 pm.

This new job has 2 perks. Its location... 1/2 hr bus ride, and work starts at 9.00 am.... yippeee.

Work ends at 6 pm, but outside of work... some days...I don't get home till 9 pm.
Yet, I don't feel that tired. Even managed a brisk walk on Monday. Am hoping to have more regular exercises soon too.

Anyway, I think it's good as all these activities take me away from the TV. I know I am rather 'addicted' to the TV, so, the arrangement is that the girls can have the TV and computer all to themselves until I come home. Then.... I can watch TV if I still have the energy. I also have first choice of programmes.....

wait... I can hear my girls say I ALWAYS have first choice of programmes... Not true!! I do sit through many Nickelodean stuff and comedy nights too!!!!!so there! haha

Still... I think I have reduced my time in front of the box, and started to sleep earlier.

Next.... watch my diet.....

posted by charisMA @ 12:28 PM  
About Me

Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile

Music: Charis & Enqing
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