I was asked recently whether I would go for hypnosis, if it meant being able to forget / erase parts of my memories, parts that are painful parts that one would rather forget.
It's a legitimate question & worth pondering
If only there is a drug a potion something that would help me forget the pains the hurt either inflicted on me or by me
But how far does one go to erase one's memories?
How about those around you? Should they go through Hypnosis too?
My answer is
Hypnosis does not erase away the fact that something unpleasant happened a trust betrayed a love lost an opportunity lost.
We need to learn from the hurt the pain the setbacks and disappointments
Only in doing so can we learn from our mistakes and grow wiser become more forgiving at least more understanding in the fraility of human nature.
We have our loved ones to tough it out with us to ride through the storm so to speak
As painful as it is these memories need to stay as part of life experience.
This is the time more than ever to hang on hold close to your family and loved ones so that these lessons could be learnt together
It's not meant to be coped on one's own strength
For one will drown in despair, self-loathe and unforgiveness
Painful memories can be healed & we will become better persons because of it.
Name: charisMA Home: Singapore About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile. See my complete profile Earworm: