There have been some diverse opinions regarding the topic of re-marriage. Most refers to Jesus' teaching from at least 2 gospels Others hang onto one of the gospels which seems to give an escape clause.
One pastor I know was, and I think still is, pretty strict with regards to divorce and re-marriage. No one who is divorced or re-married can serve in his church as leaders. They can serve, but to be a leader, one has to set an example, which means being the legal spouse of the same person they were married to, the first time round.
In fact, he went to the extent that he would not officiate not attend any church members' wedding if it was the second time round.
His encouragement? Stay single, whether or not it was your fault. The Lord will bless you and use you mightily.
The decision was never mine to make...
One question I beg to have answered... am I not allowed to love and be loved again?
Name: charisMA Home: Singapore About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile. See my complete profile Earworm: