Monday, February 08, 2010 |
How to demoralise a person? Easy, hammer them with negative statements.
In one of the lectures I learnt, it takes about 6 positive statement to 'neutralise' 1 negative statement. 6. That means a simple "why couldn't you be more accurate with your work" would need 6 encourageing statements of "well done", "That's a great job", "thanks for your time", or "you look great", to help build up a person back to a level before they were brutally attacked by sharp chiding.
Are we such weaklings that we cannot take criticisms? Perhaps, but negative, angry statements have reduced big strapping men to start having doubts about themselves. That is the beginning of a self doubt, even a self hate spiral.
This is not a blaming exercise, a ranting "woe is me" session. Nor is it a "see what you have done to me" accusation.
It is a plea, to those power hungry people, who wants to feel they are better than others by constantly finding faults... that instead of spending time to backtrack and repair the damage (6 times over), tone and choice of words can help bring across a message with much more persuasion and cooperation from all around to get anything done.
I secretly believe these people who barks their way to the top is trying to get respect from the same people whom they are showing a total disrespect to, and that they are the people who have the greatest insecurity.
Pity really, for they yearn to get the exact thing that they are doing their darnest to push away.Labels: Random |
posted by charisMA @ 11:14 PM  |