Thursday, May 07, 2009
I am a grandma!! Actually this post is like Long time coming I mean... Baby is about, what, 4 months old now? Her arrival was really quite unexpected.. Haha.. aren't they always?? Anyway, her mommy Had some sleepless nights When baby just wouldn't settle No matter what She was so playful We were at our wits' end had to take over couple of times Not that I minded.. Did bring back memories though the mess the hair the cleaning up.... It has been a long time since we have to care for someone so small... so vulnerable.... She is so 'manja'... hehe so nice to have her Cuddling up to us at night. Such a cute lil thing... Ohoh... and she has her Very own collar & carrier too! It took some getting used to, but Buttons is willing to wear the collar so long as it doesn't have a Bell...
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posted by charisMA @ 12:30 AM
About Me
Name: charisMA
Home: Singapore
About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile.
See my complete profile
Music: Charis & Enqing
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