I read about this man once He was celebrating his 40 years of marriage.
In this day of high rate divorce, One young man couldn't resist the opportunity of asking him how he had coped.
This guy's answer will blow you away... He said.. "I have been so hen-pecked all my life My wife, even before we were married Would get upset with my talking with other girls
She would screen my calls.... But I am too scared to break away from the relationship
Too scared not to marry her Now, Too scared to get a divorce."
That is just so sad so .... What can I say?
What a way to have your life?! I don't suggest one sleeps around till one finds the best partner in bed that is just an excuse for being promiscuous
But if one doesn't have A life outside of the relationship one will suffocate the other...
quoting the young man... "I'd rather be a monk...."
Quite so, my friend, quite so
If you really want to Look at it positively This old guy really had Patience.
Name: charisMA Home: Singapore About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile. See my complete profile Earworm: