It has always been my stand that Though the girls may not get the head start in life, Like learning musical instruments Nonetheless, I will support them, and let them Dream.
If they dare to dream, they dare to Pursue the Passion, and Passion is a great Motivator - Talent not withstanding.
It's with great pleasure to see One pursuing her passion Her talents, evident, in Drama, Debate, Acting, Singing... Probably at the expense of her academic work That... would be my headache
It's amazing too, that The other one is also coming Into her own 'Risking' the embarrassment she so fears To learn the one instrument She is so talented to play.
I know well that There is more to give Her talent is as deep as She is willing to venture as wide To develop To pursue Her dream, Her passion.
Regrets, I have a few, But then again, Too few to mention ..(My Way...)
If I were to live my life again, Perhaps I would allow myself to Pursue my Dream My Passion With the same Abundance The girls have To choose a career Based on my talents.
So now, I pray for Guidance & Wisdom For both girls, and me To have a balance between Practicality Without stifling their desires To Live The Dream Out.
Name: charisMA Home: Singapore About Me: Mom of 2 amazing n different girls. Love to sing, act n help people, even if it's just with a smile. See my complete profile Earworm: